Behind the Control Panel: A qualitative exploration of the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Radiographers
Introduction: Understanding ethical dilemmas is crucial as they enhance patient care and safety practices. The Zimbabwean healthcare environment, characterized by a shortage of equipment, poor remuneration, overcrowding of patients, and a massive exodus of workers, has been shown to increase the prevalence of ethical dilemmas faced by radiographers. This study aimed to explore the ethical dilemmas encountered by radiographers and the coping strategies they employ at central hospitals in the Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe.
Methods: The study employed a qualitative exploratory design employing 10 in-depth interviews to explore the ethical dilemmas experienced by radiographers at 3 public hospitals in Harare. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data management was done in Nvivo 13 and six-step thematic analysis according to Braun and Clarke was used to analyse the data. Results: Four themes that explain ethical dilemmas faced by radiographers where created, which include: i. quality patient care, ii. balancing harm and care, iii. moral consideration, and iv. technical issues. Another four themes also created representing the coping strategies employed by radiographers including: i. expressing oneself, ii. human dignity, iii. maintaining professionalism, and iv. reference points.
Conclusion: The study suggests that radiographers face ethical dilemmas, leading to moral distress and compromising their professional values. It underscores the importance of regularly assessing ethics during decision-making to reduce these issues and maintain professional integrity.
Implications for practice: The study emphasizes the importance of integrating ethical training and support systems for radiographers to enhance patient care, protect professional integrity, and reduce moral distress.
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