Christening the Anatomic Pathology Service in Nigeria: A Follow Up
Anatomic, Histopatholy, Morbid.Abstract
Background: The names that have been used for a
system offering histopathology, cytopathology, and
autopsy services vary and include anatomic
pathology, histopathology, morbid anatomy, and
pathology. In 2016, we recommended the label
'Anatomic Pathology' as the most appropriate name.
This study aims to review the impact of our
advocacy on the nomenclature of the discipline of
anatomic pathology government tertiary
institutions across Nigeria from 2016 to 2024.
Methodology: In June 2024, we collated the names
given to the pathology departments that undertake
the services of histology, cytology, and autopsy as
was done in 2016. The data was analysed using the
IBM SPSS (International Business Machines
Corporation, Statistical Product and Service
Solutions) version 2022. The data obtained in 2024
was compared with that of 2016 using chi square
Results: Histopathology was the terminology used
by the highest number of institutions in both 2016
(13; 40.6%) and 2024 (31; 50.0%). The most
improved nomenclature was Anatomic Pathology,
growing from 5(15.6%) to 19(30.6%) institutions
respectively in 2016 and 2024. Anatomic Pathology
was the least favoured nomenclature in 2016 and the
second most favoured in 2024. There was however
no statistical significance of this change in the use of
this terminology across geopolitical regions
(anatomic pathology p = 0.734, histopathology p =
0.503, morbid anatomy p = 0.545, and pathology p =
0.686) or the years under study (p = 0.078).
Conclusion: The advocacy for the use of 'Anatomic
Pathology' as the proper term for the laboratories
offering cytopathology, histopathology, and autopsy
is a step in the right direction. This designation in
addition to being representative offers an expansion
room for accommodating the ever-dynamic field of
surgical pathology in tandem with advancements in
the modern era.
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